Hi, I’m PeO
I’m a Professor, and a Student, of Equity and Nonclusion in and by Design. This Site is a Space for Sharing Resources, Thinking Aloud, and Connecting Dots with Other People.

Tacit vs. Explicit Accessibility
All too often, what is accessible is highlighted and marked with wheelchair symbols. The signs are used routinely as part of the existing culture around accessibility. In some situations, they are necessary. However, there are hidden power structures at play, upholding images of norm and deviation. I recently wrote about
A View into a Different World, where Accessibility is the Norm
Imagine a place where human diversity is expected and accessibility is the norm. There are such pockets of society, but they are few and far between. Hotel Ilunion Malaga is one of them. "Hoteles con Todos Incluidos" I recently stayed at the most accessible hotel I have ever
Universal Design of Work Places (Book launch)
Last year, I was invited to write a book chapter on the growth of Universal Design by a Swedish initiative aiming at creating and supporting inclusive workplaces in Sweden. I gave the chapter the title: "The Growth of Universal Design – A Shift in Culture?" (In Swedish: "Framväxten
Universal Design—A Shift in Culture? (Keynote Lecture)
Does Universal Design demand a cultural transformation to succeed? My short answer would be “Yes!”. This video is from a keynote speech that I gave in Korea in October 2021. I was invited to talk by KODDI (Korea Disabled people’s Development Institute) and chose to talk about Universal Design
Universell utformning — Vad är det och varför är det viktigt? (Seminarium)
I den här presentationen berättar jag om sju nyckelord som jag tycker är viktiga för universell utformning. Jag höll presentationen i samband med att Jönköping firade att de vann den prestigefyllda European Access City Award.
Design som stödjer jämlikhet – Universell utformning
Hur fungerar egentligen indelningar som man/kvinna och person med/utan funktionsnedsättning? I denna video berättar jag om vår forskning angående kategorisering och design och hur det går att skapa design som stödjer jämlikhet.
Universell utformning – En personlig introduktion
Denna video är tänkt som en kort, personlig introduktion till Universell utformning, eller Universal Design som det heter på engelska. I videon berättar jag om varför jag tycker att universell utformning är viktigt. Jag bygger introduktionen på en historia från mitt eget liv om ett hotell med en exkluderande och